Photo Tips

When it comes to photography, there are so many rules or guidelines you can find on the Internet.  Some rules are very technical in nature, and some are written for the folks with gigantic camera.

Whether you are using a DSLR, a compact camera or an iPhone; or you are using Sony, Nikon, or Canon; you should consider these three rules before and during the time you hold up the camera to your eyes.

Honor the Rule of Thirds (the golden rule)

The Rule of Thirds is my #1 rule for a reason: it prevents you from taking the absolute bad pictures (yes, bad pictures do exist). It goes something like this:  If you divide your camera’s viewfinder into thirds – horizontally or vertically – then place the subject of your image on one of the four cross- points, as illustrated below, it made the image more interesting.

Very often, the image is dramatic, and it calls for the view’s attention on the subject.  That’s not saying having the subject in the middle of your photo isn’t interesting – it can be, depending on the subject or the story told.

One of the common practices is to place you horizon on the bottom third or top third of the image which will drastically change your view about your landscape image.



Use Pattern and Shape

Patterns and shapes add interest, symmetry, and focus to an image.  The patterns and shapes can occur naturally (snowflakes, frost on a limb, cracks on a frozen river), or they can be man-made (building, rice field, display rack).  Find patterns and shapes with the most interesting line and colors; and sometime, less is better.




Framing a scene focuses the viewer’s eye on a particular point or subject within the image; it adds emphasis to the image.  A “frame” can be anything from a window or door, to a goofy hand gesture.  And it doesn’t have to be a complete frame.  As you see in my photos below, I framed the lit Eiffel Tower with the base structure, and yet it helps to frame that entire image and focus your eye even more so upon the subject.

I will share additional travel photo tips and tricks as you embark with us on this blog. Happy Shooting!